Monday 12 February 2018

Opções binárias de corretores de divisas

Corretores de Forex que oferecem negociação de opções binárias.
As opções binárias sempre foram um método preferido de negociação de mercados financeiros devido à sua simplicidade. Em 2018, a metade do tráfego de corretores de Forex foi desviada para corretores de opções binárias por esse motivo. Os corretores de Forex agora estão optando por adotar o sistema de negociação para manter os clientes interessados. Alguns dos principais corretores de Forex que oferecem negociação de opções binárias incluem:
Vantage FX.
Este é um renomado corretor de Forex com sede na Austrália e registrado na Australian Securities and Investment Commission (ASIC). A corretora foi fundada em 2009, principalmente como corretor de Forex, mas em 2018 eles também introduziram negociação de opções binárias. Tanto o Forex quanto o mercado de opções binárias podem ser acessados ​​através do MetaTrader 4 (MT4) e os comerciantes podem usar apenas uma plataforma. Isso significa que você não terá que instalar uma plataforma separada para Forex e outra para opções binárias. Além disso, você pode usar o mesmo capital para participar em ambos os mercados simultaneamente. A introdução de opções binárias sinalizou o crescimento da empresa, e posteriormente introduziram commodities e indies trading para que os comerciantes pudessem diversificar suas carteiras.
Por que escolher Vantage FX?
Primeiro, você gostaria que seu capital fosse seguro, e os regulamentos financeiros na Austrália estão entre os mais eficazes do mundo, para que você possa acreditar que seu investimento é seguro com esse corretor da FX oferecendo opções binárias. Para garantir a segurança dos fundos, a empresa não mantém os fundos dos seus clientes, mas, em vez disso, os transfere para o National Australia Bank (NAB). De acordo com a classificação da Moody's, o banco possui uma classificação de dívida sênior não garantida Aa2 negativa. Isso significa que o banco é significativo e forte o suficiente para que o governo o apoie em caso de crise financeira. Essa classificação deve aumentar ainda mais a sua confiança neste corretor da FX que oferece operações de opções binárias.
Vantage FX também é conhecido por permitir que os comerciantes de Forex participem nos mercados Forex com capital mínimo. Essa qualidade também foi transferida para o departamento de opções binárias, onde é possível abrir uma conta com apenas US $ 100. Além disso, você pode colocar trocas tão pequenas quanto $ 10, o que ajuda a minimizar perdas em sua conta. Quanto aos retornos, os negócios de opções binárias podem ter retornos tão altos quanto 85%, o que é maior do que a maioria dos outros corretores de opções binárias. Então, não só você pode negociar com riscos mais baixos, os retornos podem ser substanciais, e essa vantagem é o que cada comerciante deseja.
A capacidade de trocar opções binárias através do MT4 é uma grande vantagem, já que a maioria dos intermediários de opções binárias possui apenas uma plataforma web online. O MT4, por outro lado, tem muitos recursos que melhoram a análise do mercado e melhoram as chances de um comerciante. Além disso, a Vantage FX tornou suas redes de comunicações eletrônicas (ECN) ultra-rápidas para que os negócios sejam executados instantaneamente, evitando o deslizamento mesmo em períodos voláteis. Além disso, ter um corretor da ECN assegurará que eles não tenham ganho em suas perdas, reduzindo as chances de manipulação de mercado.
Em vez de apenas atuar como corretora, a Nadex é uma troca para negociação de Forex, opções binárias, commodities e índices de ações. Nadex é o ramo americano do maior Grupo IG com sede em Londres. O grupo IG também oferece serviços financeiros e está cotado na London Stock Exchange (LSE); Além disso, faz parte do índice FTSE 250. Este índice calcula o agregado de 250 empresas de capital aberto, e fazendo parte do agregado mostra que você é uma empresa altamente respeitada. A Nadex tomou o legado do grupo IG e transferiu-o para os EUA, onde está registrado na US Commodities Futures Trading Commission (CFTC). A própria troca é baseada em Chicago, e as contas dos clientes são segregadas com os principais bancos dos EUA para garantir a segurança dos fundos.
A primeira vantagem da Nadex reside na sua estrutura, sendo uma troca. As opções binárias são descentralizadas, assim como o mercado Forex, mas uma troca é centralizada, o que significa que todos os negócios podem ser monitorados a partir de um único ponto. Nesse caso, o CFTC pode garantir que o Nadex retém alta integridade. A natureza centralizada das opções binárias negociadas pela Nadex reduz o risco de manipulação de mercado e outras práticas fraudulentas realizadas pelos corretores. Além disso, sendo uma troca, a Nadex não participa nos negócios, em vez disso, conecta os comerciantes com os fabricantes de mercado e outros comerciantes. Mais uma vez, isso garante que a integridade seja mantida e reduz as chances de os clientes serem aproveitados.
Assim como o Vantage FX, a Nadex também oferece acesso a vários mercados a partir da mesma conta. Isso permite ao comerciante acessar os mercados Forex, commodities, índices e até bitcoins da mesma conta e do mesmo saldo simultaneamente. No entanto, ao contrário do Vantage FX, a Nadex possui seu próprio software de negociação proprietário - Nadex Trading Platform. Isso deve ser assim porque Nadex é uma troca, mas pode criar um obstáculo à medida que um comerciante tenta aprender o novo ambiente de negociação. No entanto, é uma poderosa plataforma de negociação que você pode encontrar para ter ainda mais vantagens do que a plataforma MT4 tradicional.
Outras oportunidades na Nadex.
Sendo uma troca, a Nadex exige fabricantes de mercado. O papel do criador de mercado é garantir que a volatilidade do mercado permaneça elevada ao negociar acima de um valor mínimo por dia. Além disso, eles devem tomar o lado oposto do comércio para garantir que cada pedido seja preenchido. Basicamente, sempre que um comerciante compra, o fabricante de mercado tem que vender. Os fabricantes de mercado podem ser encontrados em todas as trocas, incluindo a Bolsa de Valores de Nova York. Isso requer uma empresa com enorme capital, mas os retornos também são substanciais. A Nadex está atualmente convidando potenciais fabricantes de mercado para se associar, e esta é uma oportunidade adicional oferecida pela Nadex.
ETX Capital.
Baseado no Reino Unido, é regulado pela Autoridade de Conduta Financeira (FCA), que é outro regulador financeiro de renome. No entanto, a FCA não supervisiona a negociação de opções binárias, o que deixa os clientes nas mãos do corretor. Você não deveria se preocupar com isso, porém, porque o capital da ETX é uma capital confiável com uma longa história e uma reputação positiva.
Características do capital da ETX.
A empresa possui uma plataforma dedicada de negociação de opções binárias, ETX binário, que é estritamente usado para negociação de opções binárias. Isso implica que os clientes que gostariam de investir em mais do que apenas opções binárias devem instalar as várias plataformas e depositar dinheiro separadamente. Para comerciantes com capital limitado, significa dividir seu capital em várias plataformas de negociação, mas a especialização também pode ser uma vantagem.
A plataforma binária ETX permite que os negócios binários sejam tão baixos quanto 60 segundos do tempo de gravação. Mesmo com capital limitado, isso combinado com o mínimo de apostas necessárias pode garantir que um scalper leva centenas de negócios por dia fazendo muito com apenas um pequeno depósito. Além disso, o ETX binário possui ferramentas analíticas especializadas não disponíveis no MT4 que podem dar ao comerciante uma vantagem sobre os outros.
A partir da plataforma binária ETX, você pode participar em mercados de ações, divisas, commodities e índices e diversificar sua carteira ao mesmo tempo que protege e minimiza o risco.
Mercados da CMC.
Esta é outra empresa com sede em Londres, mas com uma vida útil mais longa. Foi formado em 1989 principalmente para lidar com os mercados Forex e foi uma das primeiras empresas a implementar o comércio on-line. Na verdade, os mercados da CMC afirmam ter sido a primeira empresa a concluir um comércio de Forex através da internet. Foi registrado pela Financial Services Authority, FSA, que é capaz de supervisionar o comércio de opções binárias ao contrário da FCA. As opções binárias foram introduzidas pela primeira vez pela CMC em 2018, e a empresa estava listada na LSE em 2018 com uma capitalização de mercado de 691 milhões de libras esterlinas.
Recursos de uma conta de opções binárias do CMC.
Uma conta de opções binárias com CMC não permite que você simultaneamente comercialize outros mercados. Você ainda poderá negociar índices, commodities e mercados cambiais usando opções binárias, embora não diretamente. Outro revés é a falta de uma plataforma comercial para download, e você só pode usar uma plataforma online. Isso pode não ser completamente negativo, mas uma aplicação de desktop dedicada teria sido muito melhor. Para os comerciantes de ritmo acelerado, você também será desencorajado a perceber que os negócios têm uma expiração mínima de 5 minutos, o que pode não ser uma boa notícia para scalpers. Por outro lado, uma empresa tão confiável fornece a segurança de saber que seus fundos são seguros, mesmo que as condições possam ser um pouco arcaicas.
OptionTrade da HotForex.
O HotForex é o nome da marca da HF Markets, que é registrado pela Cypress Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC). É um corretor de Forex estabelecido e conhecido, e para se envolver em negociação de opções binárias, lançaram a OptionTrade como uma subsidiária. Esta subsidiária também é supervisionada pelo CySEC, mas o negócio principal, incluindo transações, transações e fundos, é gerido pelo HotForex.
Características do OptionTrade.
As vantagens da negociação de opções binárias com a HotForex incluem uma grande variedade de ativos para escolher, totalizando 200 produtos de 20 mercados, incluindo Forex, commodities, etc. Eles também têm prazo de validade de 60 segundos e opções de pares cruzados onde você pode comparar dois produtos um contra o outro. Este tipo de inovação com produtos revolucionários fez do Hotforex um favorito entre os comerciantes de Forex e também será com comerciantes de opções binárias.
Aviso de isenção de opções binárias.
Apesar de sua crescente popularidade, as opções binárias podem ser arriscadas e vários reguladores financeiros, incluindo a CFTC nos EUA, alertaram os investidores contra ela. Eu aconselharia que qualquer pessoa interessada em opções binárias tenha muito cuidado, uma vez que eles ainda são um novo instrumento financeiro com muitos riscos.
Ofertas exclusivas.
Algum desses corretores MT4 que oferecem bot BO e FX fazem algum deles aceitar clientes dos EUA ??

Opções binárias corretores forex
Hedging para alguns pode ser complexo e os instrumentos tradicionais são difíceis de acessar, se não totalmente fora do alcance deles. É por isso que, quando a Comissão de Valores Mobiliários dos Estados Unidos aprovou as opções binárias em 2008, os comerciantes do varejo entraram com a chance de se envolver em hedge que seja ao mesmo tempo simples e acessível para o jogador pequeno.
Em poucas palavras, os binários são um instrumento financeiro onde os comerciantes recebem um retorno de tudo ou nada. A Internet torna a negociação ainda mais acessível para a pessoa aleatória, onde as trocas são geridas por corretores de opções binárias. Unbounded by geography, as opções binárias proporcionam ao comerciante médio acesso aos mercados globais. Este guisado de simplicidade, fácil acesso a um grande conjunto de instrumentos, não menos importante a atração de dólares rápidos, torna as opções binárias populares nos EUA e em outros lugares. Mas você, o comerciante, deve entender os riscos, recompensas e problemas com as opções binárias.
Neste artigo, nós o acompanharemos pelos melhores corretores de opções binárias. Especificamente, compararemos as seguintes características de cada corretor:
Depósito mínimo Reembolsos máximos Bônus, se houver Plataforma de negociação suportada.
Saber onde proteger seus fundos é o primeiro passo para maximizar os retornos ou, pelo menos, minimizar as perdas. Também pode pagar por alguns conceitos básicos do comércio. Por exemplo, a Nadex, uma troca regulada baseada em U. S. para opções binárias, identificou os quatro melhores trocas de forex como:
A lista indica, mais ou menos, onde as opções binárias são mais populares. Aliás, a Nadex também definiu o horário e o dia mais populares para negociação de opções binárias:
Fonte: infografia Nadex.
Uma palavra de cautela.
Tal como acontece com muitas transações financeiras na internet, as opções binárias são propensas a fraudes, então jogue com cautela. Muitos corretores não são regulados pelo governo (uma coisa boa ou ruim, dependendo da sua perspectiva); Você fica com as boas graças de sua escolha.
Uma bandeira vermelha comum é uma plataforma de negociação que exagera o retorno médio ou, pior, manipula pontos de preço para fazer com que os clientes perdam a aposta (cada vez que os clientes perdem, os corretores ganham). Um simples teste on-line lendo comentários de usuários e fóruns sobre o corretor deve orientá-lo para evitar fraudadores.
O desafio é se concentrar em corretores legítimos. Por exemplo, o Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE) lista opções binárias confiáveis ​​para comerciantes dos EUA e executa os Binários do Índice de Volatilidade do CBOE para rastrear o movimento das opções. O CBOE é regulamentado pela SEC, o que acrescenta camadas de proteção ao investidor.
Enquanto isso, a Autoridade Reguladora do Setor Financeiro sem fins lucrativos (FINRA) é um bom recurso para alertas de fraude. Por exemplo, apenas em março passado, lançou um aviso de que os golpistas estão usando esses esquemas de acompanhamento visando as opções de opções binárias.
Para ajudá-lo, nós fornecemos o downdown sobre os 15 melhores corretores de opções binárias populares de 2017 que você pode considerar para negociação. Esperemos que a lista permita que você encontre o melhor corretor para suas necessidades e expectativas de investimento e comece a negociar com sucesso por conta própria.
1. IQ Option.
O IQ Option foi estabelecido em 2018 e tem revisões favoráveis ​​na internet. Ele usa software interno para negociação. Os retornos máximos são de 91%. No entanto, os comerciantes nos EUA, Austrália, Canadá, Rússia, Bélgica, Japão, Turquia, Israel, Irã, Sudão e Síria não são aceitos. A IQOption Europe Ltd. é bem conhecida por serviços confiáveis ​​de corretores, já que é regulamentada pelo CySEC.
IQ Option oferece uma conta demo gratuita para ajudá-lo a começar. O depósito mínimo é de apenas US $ 10 para a Conta Real. Para a conta VIP premium, o depósito mínimo é de US $ 3.000. O suporte ao cliente atualmente é oferecido via e-mail, telefone e bate-papo ao vivo. Finalmente, este corretor oferece vários métodos convenientes de depósito e retirada para ajudá-lo a negociar facilmente. Para obter mais detalhes sobre este serviço, leia nossa revisão de corretores de opções binárias para este corretor em particular.
Depósito mínimo: $ 10 Retornos máximos: 91% Plataforma de negociação suportada: web proprietária, Android, iPhone.
2. Binário.
O banco britânico Binary é um corretor licenciado, regulamentado nas ilhas britânicas, em Malta, na Irlanda e no Reino Unido. No entanto, os comerciantes dos EUA não são aceitos. É uma das empresas mais transparentes da indústria que declara sua própria empresa e operações de mercado. Anteriormente, o BetonMarkets, o Binary mistura jogos de azar e negociação, mas com transparência. Ele oferece CFDs, margem FX e cripto comercial via MT5.
Você pode iniciar o tempo de negociação para além do prazo de validade e o montante do investimento é baseado no pagamento que você definiu. O depósito mínimo é de US $ 10 e para e-wallets é ainda menor, US $ 5.
Os bônus não são padrão; em vez disso, consistem em dois tipos. O bônus de depósito e o bônus gratuito. Da mesma forma, as porcentagens não são especificadas, mas você exige até 25 desembolsos para se beneficiar de uma retirada. Há também uma comissão de pagamento de 1,5%.
O corretor suporta várias plataformas de negociação, tais como, Binary Webtrader, Binary Bot e Binary Next-Gen. Além disso, ele pode personalizar as necessidades de negociação de clientes tudo sob um mesmo teto.
A plataforma é intuitiva para o primeiro comerciante e robusta para o veterano. Possui muitas ferramentas visuais, como gráficos e indicadores técnicos, e os tutoriais em opções binárias são abrangentes. Da mesma forma, ele suporta 12 idiomas e fornece uma conta de dinheiro virtual. Aplicativos móveis estão disponíveis.
Depósito mínimo: $ 5 Retornos máximos: 1.000% Bonus: não especificado Plataforma de negociação suportada: web proprietária, Android e iPhone.
HighLow é baseado na Austrália e é um corretor regulado. Ele usa a plataforma de negociação MarketsPulse. Os retornos máximos são de até 90%. No entanto, este corretor não permite comerciantes baseados nos EUA. É oferecida uma conta demo conveniente e um aplicativo para dispositivos móveis.
O valor do depósito mínimo e o valor do investimento mínimo são de US $ 10. Se você gosta de tempos de caducidade rápidos, o HighLow é o intermediário ideal para você, pois oferece, 60 segundos, 90 segundos e 5 minutos de tempo de expiração. O suporte ao cliente é oferecido por telefone e e-mail em inglês e japonês. O site do corretor é informativo com uma seção de FAQ detalhada. Você pode ir para HighLow, pois tem opiniões favoráveis ​​online.
Depósito mínimo: $ 10 Retornos máximos: 90% Bônus: $ 50 após inscrição Plataforma de negociação suportada: MarketsPulse web, Android e iPhone.
4. Marketsworld.
O Marketsworld é um corretor regulado com sede na Grã-Bretanha licenciado pela The Isle of Mann GSC, uma agência reguladora de jogos de azar em GB. É um dos poucos corretores regulados no exterior onde os comerciantes dos EUA são aceitos. Negocia em commodities e índices, mas concentra-se mais no forex e a negociação é fixada em uma base digital alta / baixa.
O depósito mínimo é de US $ 10 com o tamanho mínimo de comércio de US $ 1. Os bônus são restritos a negociação por até 100% e não vinculam seus depósitos. Na verdade, você pode retirar seu dinheiro a qualquer momento sem afetar seu bônus, desde que você mantenha o volume de negociação exigido. Os retornos, entretanto, variam de 80% a 90% e os levantamentos demoram cerca de três dias.
A plataforma de negociação é proprietária e suporta inglês, russo, alemão, espanhol e italiano e mais quatro idiomas. As cartas comerciais podem ser difíceis para alguns devido ao seu pequeno tamanho e os atrasos são conhecidos por acontecer. Suporte via chat ao vivo, e-mail e telefone estão disponíveis. Um aplicativo iOS também está disponível.
Depósito mínimo: R $ 10 Retornos máximos: 90% de bônus: bônus de até $ 1,000 de início; até 100% no comércio Plataforma de negociação suportada: web proprietária, iPhone.
Tel Aviv, o eToro com sede em Israel é uma rede de comércio social e não um corretor. Ele permite que você copie os principais comerciantes em sua comunidade e, espero, obtenha as mesmas margens. Por outro lado, sua negociação pode ser copiada, o que lhe gera renda adicional.
Nesta plataforma você investe em pessoas, não em moedas. Você terá que ser intuitivo sobre o comportamento de outros comerciantes e analisar seus padrões ou estratégias, em vez de aprender gráficos e indicadores financeiros.
Sem preocupações, a eToro fornece mais de 16 palestras e cursos de vídeo sobre como aprimorar suas habilidades. Estes incluem a identificação de comerciantes consistentes, e não apenas negócios one-shot. Você também obtém uma lista dos melhores comerciantes em moedas, índices e commodities em uma ampla gama de ativos subjacentes.
No lado B, você pode compartilhar suas idéias comerciais e se inscrever no Programa de Investidores Popular como uma autoridade comercial.
O depósito mínimo é de US $ 200, enquanto os retornos máximos variam. A rede usa sua plataforma de negociação interna com aplicativos Android e iPhone.
Depósito mínimo: $ 200 Rendimentos máximos: varia Bônus: não especificado Plataforma de negociação suportada: proprietária, web, Android e iPhone.
6. 24Option.
24Option está online desde 2018 e é um corretor estável e confiável, pois é regulamentado pelo CySEC. Ele usa a plataforma de negociação TechFinancials de terceiros. Os retornos máximos são de até 88%. Este corretor não aceita comerciantes dos EUA e da Austrália.
O valor do depósito mínimo é de US $ 250 e o valor mínimo do investimento é de US $ 24. Os tipos de comércio oferecidos são altos / baixos, um toque e nenhum toque, limite e 60 segundos. Uma conta demo é oferecida para novos comerciantes. Você pode se inscrever na conta Standard, Gold ou Platinum, dependendo do valor que você depositar e os recursos desejados. 24Option fornece atendimento ao cliente por telefone, bate-papo ao vivo e e-mail em inglês e treze outros idiomas.
Depósito mínimo: R $ 250 Retornos máximos: 88% Bônus: até 100% Plataforma de negociação suportada: TechFinancials web, Android e iPhone.
7. ETX Capital.
A ETX Capital está sediada em Londres, no Reino Unido, e regulada pela British Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). Negocia em forex, ações, índices e commodities, mas note que as opções binárias não são reguladas pela FCA. Da mesma forma, os comerciantes dos EUA não são aceitos a partir desta escrita.
O corretor tem dúvidas em educar comerciantes novatos, explicando em detalhes opções binárias, negociação de risco e outros tópicos importantes.
O depósito mínimo é de US $ 100 com retornos entre 75% a 85%. As bônus não são especificadas, mas estão disponíveis. Uma chamada para seu suporte deve especificar um bônus personalizado com base no seu investimento. Da mesma forma, os levantamentos acima de US $ 100 são gratuitos.
O corretor usa MarketPulse para plataforma. É limpo e intuitivo para os iniciantes com os tempos de caducidade fáceis de localizar. No entanto, ele só suporta inglês.
Depósito mínimo: $ 100 Retornos máximos: 85% Bônus: varia, personalizado Plataforma de negociação suportada: MarketPulse, web, Android e iPhone.
8. 365Trading.
365Trading está cadastrado no CySEC e com base nesse país. Foi fundado em 2018 e já negociou na UE sem problemas. Ele opera principalmente em opções binárias. A partir desta escrita, os comerciantes dos EUA não são aceitos.
O depósito mínimo é de US $ 100 com lucros e bônus atingindo 85% e 100%, respectivamente. Você pode abrir uma demo sem depósito e tentar seus expiries de longo e curto prazo.
A plataforma, um sistema interno, é robusta e ideal para comerciantes veteranos. Possui gráficos, linhas e candelabros e fornece análises históricas. A plataforma permite que você configure três recursos com atalhos de acesso rápido. Da mesma forma, você pode trocar quatro recursos simultaneamente com uma janela principal e três sub-janelas.
O suporte está disponível via e-mail e telefone.
Depósito mínimo: $ 100 Retornos máximos: 85% Bônus: até 100% Plataforma de negociação suportada: proprietária, web, Android e iPhone.
Ayrex é baseado no Reino Unido e tem uma aplicação pendente com o CySEC. Negocia em 70 ativos e se concentra em opções binárias. A partir de hoje, os comerciantes dos EUA não são aceitos.
O depósito mínimo é de US $ 5, um dos mais baixos, enquanto o bônus é de até 30% e os rendimentos variam entre 75% e 90%.
O corretor usa uma negociação proprietária com retiradas instantâneas, que é única no nicho. A interface é pura e permite que você passe rapidamente para diferentes trades. É ideal para negociação de curto prazo. Opções altas / baixas também estão disponíveis.
O suporte inclui bate-papo ao vivo 24 horas por dia, e via email. Da mesma forma, o sistema é acessível a partir de aplicativos Android e iPhone.
Depósito mínimo: $ 5 Retornos máximos: 90% Bônus: $ 30 sem conta depósito, até 30% no comércio Plataforma de negociação suportada: proprietária, web, Android e iPhone.
10. CMC Markets.
A CMC Markets, com sede no Reino Unido, atua em um corretor forex desde 1989, mas apenas entrou em opções binárias em 2018. Ainda assim, essa é uma longa história de confiança e operações confiáveis ​​em comparação com a maioria dos corretores de opções binárias. Além disso, está regulamentado no Reino Unido. Hoje, ele opera em índices, commodities, ações, tesouraria e divisas, mas os clientes dos EUA ainda não são aceitos.
Não há depósito mínimo e não há bônus também. Os retornos também variam de acordo com o produto.
Entretanto, a plataforma é personalizável e inclui ferramentas de gráficos, funcionalidades de reconhecimento de padrões, vários layouts de tela e múltiplos prazos. O sistema é acessível a partir de dispositivos Android e iOS. O suporte é baseado no Reino Unido e consiste em bate-papo ao vivo, e-mail, telefone e fax.
Depósito mínimo: depósito mínimo Depósitos máximos: varia Bônus: nenhum Plataforma de negociação suportada: web proprietária, Android e iPhone.
11. OptionFair.
O OptionFair é fundado em 2018 e tem sede em Chipre. É regulado pelo CySEC e também está cotado na Bolsa de Valores de Londres, um dos principais corretores de opções binárias. Os comerciantes dos EUA não são aceitos. O corretor negocia em forex, CFDs e opções binárias em 118 ativos subjacentes.
O depósito mínimo é de US $ 100 com retornos até 100%. No entanto, não há bônus indicados, mas você sempre pode contatar o suporte para possíveis termos. O tempo de expiração é menor do que a média, mas faz retornos rápidos sobre o comércio de curto prazo.
O corretor usa sua própria plataforma que permite que você troque o comércio de forex para binário e CFDs de uma única interface. Dá-lhe acesso a inúmeros ativos e instrumentos e uma ampla gama de expiries. Você pode, de fato, negociar simultaneamente forex e binários. Aplicativos móveis para Android e iPhone estão disponíveis.
Há suporte por telefone em cinco números internacionais, incluindo inglês, espanhol, italiano e francês. O suporte a bate-papo e chat ao vivo também é fornecido.
Depósito mínimo: $ 100 Retornos máximos: 100% de bônus: nenhum Plataforma de negociação suportada: proprietária, web, Android e iPhone.
12. BinaryTilt.
BinaryTilt é um corretor não regulamentado com sede em Londres, Inglaterra, mas é de propriedade exclusiva da Depix Holdings, com sede em Chipre. Embora não seja supervisionado, o corretor parece ter um registro limpo com avisos raros das autoridades. Os comerciantes dos EUA não são aceitos. Negocia em ações, índices, divisas e commodities em 150 ativos subjacentes.
O depósito mínimo é de US $ 250 com lucros de até 85%. Da mesma forma, os bônus podem atingir 100%. Os estilos de negociação incluem alto / baixo, um toque, alcance e sob demanda. As ações também são principalmente empresas baseadas nos EUA ou na UE.
A plataforma de negociação é o SpotOption, uma escola padrão, mas cada vez mais antiga, em comparação com novas plataformas hoje. A interface do usuário é familiar e os elementos são organizados, bons o suficiente para que os operadores de primeira linha lancem suas operações sem problemas. O suporte é via chat, enquanto aplicativos Android e iPhone estão disponíveis.
Depósito mínimo: $ 250 Retornos máximos: 85% Bônus: até 100% Plataforma de negociação suportada: SpotOption, web, Android e iPhone.
13. EmpireOption.
Fundada em 2018, EmpireOption, com sede no Uruguai, com endereço cadastrado em Londres, Inglaterra. Tal como acontece com a maioria dos corretores, os comerciantes dos EUA não são aceitos. O corretor negocia em forex e CFDs com um portfólio de investimentos subjacente diversificado.
O investimento mínimo é de US $ 100 e espera que você obtenha um retorno máximo de 82%. Da mesma forma, os bônus podem atingir 100%, mas os termos se aplicam.
A plataforma de negociação é SpotOption, mas menos a rede de pagamento do SpotOption. O EmpireOption também usa sua própria interface de marca e mantém o controle da maioria dos aspectos comerciais.
O suporte por telefone e e-mail está disponível.
Depósito mínimo: R $ 100 Retornos máximos: 82% Bônus: até 100% Plataforma de negociação suportada: SpotOption, web, Android e iPhone.
14. Binarymate.
Binarymate é um corretor registrado no Reino Unido que é confiável, pois segue os rígidos regulamentos financeiros do Reino Unido. Aceita comerciantes dos EUA. Este corretor usa uma plataforma interna única para negociação. Você pode ganhar um retorno máximo de 90%. As contas de negociação começam com o pacote básico de Bronze para o qual o depósito mínimo é de US $ 250 e você recebe um bônus de boas-vindas de 20%. Para a conta Silver, o depósito mínimo é de US $ 1.000 e você recebe um bônus de boas-vindas de 50%. Finalmente, para a conta de ouro premium, o depósito mínimo é de US $ 3.000 e você pode escolher entre negociações livres de risco ou um bônus de US $ 250.
Um recurso exclusivo de suporte ao cliente oferecido pelo Binarymate é o bate-papo em tempo real com agentes disponíveis 24 horas por semana, 7 dias por semana. O apoio é oferecido em inglês, francês, espanhol e russo. Por último, mas não menos importante, você pode usar a conta demo para aprender as cordas ou melhorar suas habilidades. Antes de decidir sobre um corretor, é sempre melhor fazer uma comparação de corretores de opções binárias primeiro para ter certeza de escolher o melhor serviço.
Depósito mínimo: $ 250 Retornos máximos: 90% Bônus: até $ 250, negociações livres de risco Plataforma de negociação suportada: web proprietária, Android e iPhone.
15. BDSwiss.
BDSwiss é um corretor regulado em Chipre com sede também nesse país. Da mesma forma, está registrado na Associação Nacional de Futuros dos EUA (não regulamentada), mas até agora, os comerciantes norte-americanos não são aceitos. O corretor negocia em divisas, índices, ações, commodities e criptografia baseada em CFD em mais de 250 ativos subjacentes.
O depósito mínimo é de US $ 200, mas não há bônus, enquanto os comerciantes podem perceber retornos de 65% para 85%. Os reembolsos também não estão disponíveis. Da mesma forma, você cobra US $ 25 por transferência bancária e as taxas aplicam-se para retiradas abaixo de US $ 100.
Para a plataforma, o BDSwiss usa o SpotOption que é familiar para muitos comerciantes. Ele usa ferramentas e indicadores de gráficos avançados para ajudá-lo a determinar o movimento dos preços. Existe suporte multilingue por telefone, e-mail e bate-papo ao vivo. Aplicativos móveis para dispositivos Android e iOS estão disponíveis.
Depósito mínimo: $ 200 Rendimentos máximos: 85% Bônus: nenhum Plataforma de negociação suportada: SpotOption, web, Android e iPhone.
Seu produto não está na lista?
Se você é um provedor de opções binárias e você não encontrou seu produto em nossa lista de 2017 acima, sinta-se à vontade para nos informar sobre seu serviço. Podemos considerar incluir na lista de 2018. Você pode facilmente nos informar sobre o seu produto aqui.
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5 Comentários & raquo;
Obrigado pela sua publicação informativa sobre os melhores corretores de opções binárias no negócio. Dá os detalhes essenciais sobre todos os corretores em poucas palavras e ajudou-me a formar uma lista restrita da qual eu possa selecionar adequados para as minhas necessidades comerciais. Para mim, o investimento binário oferece muitas atrações. Primeiro, acho que é mais fácil de aprender e usar em comparação com estoque e troca de forex. Em segundo lugar, muitos corretores oferecem taxas de pagamento lucrativas, o que significa que posso ganhar muito dinheiro enquanto me diverti ao mesmo tempo. Além disso, não há necessidade de ser um especialista financeiro para ser bom no investimento binário. Eu simplesmente segui as últimas novidades e tendências do mercado sobre os ativos que eu escolho e isso me ajuda a fazer previsões informadas. Além disso, a negociação é flexível e me permite controlar minhas perdas e se aposentar se eu tiver um dia ruim. Por sinal, você pode oferecer algumas dicas sobre quais recursos oferecidos pelos melhores corretores são os mais importantes?
Olá, Don. É bom saber que o meu artigo revelou-se útil para você. Eu concordo com você que o investimento binário é uma maneira divertida e emocionante de ganhar dinheiro. Quanto a recursos úteis, aqui está uma lista que você pode utilizar para referência. Certifique-se de que os corretores selecionados oferecem essas ferramentas:
& # 8211; Primeiro, o corretor deve tornar mais fácil para você se inscrever e começar em poucos minutos.
& # 8211; Eles devem oferecer uma variedade de opções convenientes de depósito e retirada que você pode usar de seu país.
& # 8211; A plataforma de negociação deve ser acessível em dispositivos móveis para permitir que você negocie em qualquer lugar.
& # 8211; Uma ampla gama de ativos comerciais e tipos comerciais devem estar disponíveis para que você possa continuar alterando suas escolhas para manter a emoção fresca.
& # 8211; Além disso, a taxa de pagamento deve ser alta para que você tenha uma boa chance de ganhar grandes quantidades.
Espero que ajude. Boa sorte!
Eu avaliei minuciosamente os prós e os contras do comércio binário e para mim os profissionais superam os contras, é por isso que estou interessado nesta forma de negociação.
Os profissionais, na minha opinião, são os seguintes: os principais corretores continuam apresentando novas inovações e características que mantêm o jogo excitante. Além disso, eu posso acessar as plataformas de negociação on-line de qualquer lugar, a qualquer hora e comércio sempre que eu quiser. Além disso, muitos governos começaram a regulamentar esta indústria, o que me dá paz de espírito e confiança de que meu dinheiro será seguro. Com o comércio social, posso compartilhar minhas experiências com investidores de mentalidade semelhante e ganhar conhecimento e experiência. Além disso, o investimento binário é superior ao jogo, pois posso fazer previsões educadas com pouca pesquisa.
Quanto aos inconvenientes, existe o risco de operadores obscuros, mas você pode facilmente enfrentar este desafio, fazendo sua lição de casa no corretor antes de colocar seu dinheiro. Na minha opinião, o investimento binário é muito melhor do que a negociação de ações ou de divisas ou jogos de azar.
Você tem algum conselho sobre como negociar de forma mais segura e como selecionar um corretor confiável e confiável?
Oi Mike, obrigado por compartilhar suas idéias sobre os prós e contras do investimento binário. Quanto à sua pergunta, existem alguns fatores-chave a considerar para selecionar um corretor adequado com uma reputação honesta. Primeiro, verifique se a plataforma de negociação é compatível com o seu computador e se todos os links funcionam. Então, veja quais os recursos de treinamento que eles oferecem. Ideally, they should provide video tutorials, articles on strategies and techniques, as well as one-on-one counseling. However, you many need to sign up for a premium plan to get personalized assistance. Another important factor is the terms and conditions for withdrawal of winnings and bonuses. If the withdrawal limit is high you might have to keep trading to reach that amount which means you might not be able to control your losses and stop if you wish to. Finally, check out their customer support channels to see if you get fast and friendly service round the clock. Good luck and happy hunting!
Thanks for your useful tips on how to select a good broker to do business with. They are sure to benefit all potential traders out there. You can get reliable information on brokers in the binary options and other industries here. BrokerCheck gives you an overview of a broker’s licensing info, employment history, and regulatory actions as well as complaints against them. The best part is it is a free tool. The website is operated by FINRA which is authorized by the US Congress to protect the interests and money of investors. The site instantly tells you whether a broker is registered to provide trading services to investors. In short, it can help you select honest and transparent brokers, and avoid fraudulent fly-by-night operators whose plan is to swindle traders’ money.
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Binary Options Brokers Reviews | Forex Brokers Reviews 2018.
Visit Binary Options Brokers Reviews and discover important news and information on Trading Platforms, Forex Systems and Trade Signals for 2018.
Binary Options Brokers Reviews.
Binary Options Brokers Reviews.
Are you looking for information and reviews on Binary Options Brokers, Options Trading Systems, Options Signals Providers, Forex Brokers, FX Trading Platforms and Foreign Exchange Signalling Services? Well, here at Binary Options Brokers Reviews site, you can now read reviews on our top recommended Binary Options and Forex Brokers. Find free award winning Online Binary Options and Forex Trading Platforms, which we highly recommended. Furthermore, you will find information and reviews on the top recommended Binary Options and Forex Signals Providers for 2018. The Signal Services, if used efficiently will help you generate huge profits almost instantly.
Generally, contents contained here include information on Forex and Options Trade. Therefore, you will find introduction to Forex and Options Brokers, where you will be able to compare price and read reviews. Plus, you will also be able to examine YouTube and Google Search Engine Videos looking at Forex and Options Trading Strategies and Methods.
Finally you will be able to find a list of our most trusted and regulated Forex and Binary Options Brokers. These brokers are global, which means, you can trade Options and Forex wherever you are in the world. Plus, you can trade using your Mobile Phone, Tablet, PC or even your Laptop Computer.
What is Forex Trading?
Forex Trading is a method of trade (buy/sell), where the items involved is different currencies. Therefore, Forex Trading involves traders selling and buying different currencies at different rates. This is also known as profiting from exchange rates differentiation. Now, to learn more about Forex Trading, please go to Global Forex Brokers site.
What is Binary Options Trade?
Generally, in the Financial Market, a Binary, Exotic or Digital Options as they are sometimes known is whereby you will either get a fixed rate pay out in your are in the money or nothing at all if you are out of the money.
Therefore, Binary Options Trade are a great way to trade assets with minimal risk. Typically you can get between 59% to 89% within either 1, 15, 30, 60 minutes. And, at the end of the day trade.
Who are the top Binary Options Brokers?
The amount of Binary Options Brokers have grown so much that now you can find hundreds of such brokers. However, one should note that, when choosing Options Brokers Platforms, one needs to consider many factors. This is because not all brokers have the same reliability, financial stability and solid reputation.
We have been studying the binary options market since 2018. We concentrate on keeping an up to date list of the top Binary Brokers in terms of reliability, safety of funds, withdrawal speed, deposits, customer support and many other factors. For more information on top Options Brokers, please visit our Binary Options Blog.
Generating Income using Binary Options.
Binary Options Trade is a great way to generate regular passive income with minimum risks and maximum returns. It is low risk as trading as all the trades can be protected using the correct strategies.
Plus, the Options Trading Signals Software can be used for forecasting the market price movements. This method is being used by everyone who is making money with Binary Trading.
Benefits of Trading Binary Options.
To understand more about Options and Trading Strategies, watch the YouTube videos on the first page. Options are derivative financial products that allow traders to forecast on the direction of price movements. Historically, in the past they were only available to professional investors who used Options Trading to hedge risks or for speculative purposes. However, in this modern time, anyone with access to a computer and the internet can trade options. So, what are the benefits of Trading Binary Options. Well, Options trading allows traders to earn huge sums of money almost instantly.
Options are relatively an easy way to trade in the financial markets. Today, Trading Binary Options have quickly become one of the easiest and fastest ways to trade and earn money online.
It is different from other types of trading, because, you are not actually taking ownership of any assets. Instead, you are attempting to predict the movement of the underlying assets. You know the amount of initial investment and the final return you will get when the option expires.
How to Trade Binary Options?
Once you are ready to place a Put Option or Call Option, the Options Broker that you are working with, Trade Rush, will display the percentage amount that you will have gained to you prior to officially committing your money to the trade. Therefore the risk is low as you know what the outcome is going to be in if are in the money. If you lose the trade, some Options Brokers offer some level of refund and this varies depending on the broker’s terms and conditions.
With Options, it’s important to remember that it’s a form of short term trading. You will need to decide what time-frame is best for you. Trade time frames can range from 30s, 60s, 120s, 5m, 10m, 15m, 30m, one hour to even the end of day expiry.
It’s easy to start Trading Options. You can watch the YouTube videos as a source of information or you can follow the steps below to get started:
Select the best broker on the internet, 24 Option (24option).
Register to open a trading account, Fund the account (minimum deposit 250 $/€/£), Now start trading, it’s easy as 1,2 and 3!
24Option Binary Options Broker.
Our recommended Binary Options Broker is 24Option Binary Options Broker. This 24 Option (24option) broker offers the most popular types of options, which include the call and put options, in a format that is very easy to use. Expiration for their options are 15 minute, 30 minute, 60 minute, 1 day, 1 week, as well as very popular 60 second options.
They list their different options by assets, commodities, currencies, as well as indices and stocks. You simply choose the particular currency pair or asset that you’re looking to trade, then what your expiry should be. You then simply determine whether or not the market is going higher or lower from the current levels! The minimum investment amount allowed $25. Now, to visit this broker, please go to 24Option’s official site. Read 24 Option Review…
Top Binary Options Brokers List.
Here, we have provided Binary Options Brokers Reviews on the top 10 Binary Options Trading Brokers. These top 10 Brokers are regulated in Europe by the European Financial Regulators. Some is also regulated by the financial institutions specific to each countries. For example, in the UK, Binary Options Brokers are regulated by the financial Conduct Authority or FCA for short. The regulation and intervention by the Financial Conduct Authority is much needed to protect the financial and legal interest of the brokers and traders. Therefore, the regulations ensure that everyone is operating within the law. Furthermore, the laws helps to eliminate illegal trading activities. Today, to find your best recommended and related Binary Options Broker, please visit Binary Options Brokers site.
Top Free Options Trading Systems.
Basically, Binary Options Trading Systems is also known as Binary Options Trading Platforms. These Trading Platforms are free to use by anyone wishing to trade in the financial options market. Although they are free to access, the traders need to deposit money before they can start trading Binary Options. However, trading using demo accounts is absolutely free. If you are new to Binary Options Trade, we highly recommend opening and trading with a free demo account before you use real money. Now, to find out more on Free Trading Systems, go to Binary Options Platforms site.
Top Binary Options Trading Signals.
Typically, Binary Options Trading Signals is the prediction indicator in price differentiation of the underlying asset. Generally, the prices can move up as well as down. Now, if anyone is able to accurately forecast every trend, they would be able to make fortunes. However, this is an absolutely impossible task to get 100% of the predictions right.
Now, new improvement is done as a result of the difficulty in the price prediction. Whereby, many companies have developed software applications to help traders in their decision making process. So, to learn more about Signals, please visit Binary Options Signals site.
Top Regulated Forex Brokers List.
Today, there are thousands to Forex Brokers to choose from. Unless you have been in the market for a long time or work in the industry, you are know going to know much about these brokers. How they operate and which are the regulated and trusted brokers. Here, to make matters easy for our readers, we have selected a list for you. This list contains the most trusted and recommended brokers. They are also regulated by the authorities in the relevant countries. Now, to learn more, quickly visit Forex Brokers Reviews site and fast discover quality Forex Trading Information 2018 for profitable FX Trading today.
Top Regulated Forex Platforms.
Now, to conduct Forex Trade, traditionally you would need to telephone a broker and instruct your orders. Nowadays, this approach to Forex Trading has changed. Almost, all Forex Brokers now have their own trading platforms. Through these platforms you are able to trade directly. However, not all brokers are save, trustworthy or regulated. Some of the Broker’s Platforms are also running scams. So, you have to be very careful when trading online. This is why you have to use regulated Broker’s Platforms. Now, to learn more about top Forex Systems, go to Forex Systems Reviews site and quickly discover amazing Forex Trading Platforms for efficient profitable trading today.
Top Forex Signal Providers.
Now, to be successful at Forex Trades, you need to depend on many different tools. First, you have to rely on New Market Information. Second, you have to know the Economic Calendar and trade accordingly. Third, you have to understand price fluctuations. This will allow you to forecast price movements. There are many other factors. However, Forex trading is never easy and no one can ever have full information. Hence, this is way most traders use Forex Signals. We highly recommend that you use a good Signalling Service when you start trading in Forex. Therefore, visit Forex Signals Reviews and quickly discover Forex Signals Providers who are providing efficient signals for profitable Trades.
Binary Options Brokers Reviews Video.
Binary Options Blog.
Here, this is the home page of Binary Options Brokers Reviews. Now, to find more specific information on Binary Options, please visit our top Binary Options Blog. Also, if you like what you have read, you can subscribe to our Binary Options RSS Feeds. This way, you will be kept up to date with all the latest Binary Options Information published here.
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TradersAsset’s Top 20 Binary Brokers for 2018.
A single regulator cannot govern the global Forex and Binary Options industries, however, the increased popularity of online trading has led to the creation of a number of localised regulatory bodies . These localised regulators primary objectives is to protect online traders from within their regulated borders by providing a local watchdog that will oversee best practises by brokers. The advances and accessibility of technology in recent years has meant that there are many brokers for recreational traders to choose from.
Many offer user-friendly trading platforms and numerous other tempting benefits. So, can a trader use any one of these brokers to trade with? The short answer is no . There are still some restrictions from countries such as the USA, who have imposed strict regulatory requirements for brokers to accept US-based traders. There’s nothing more annoying than reading all about a broker, and going to their page only to be told that traders from your country will not be accepted, therefore we’ve done the research and present the best brokers available for you to trade with.
Top 20 Binary Option Brokers.
Our recommended brokers are regulated or tested and approved for each territory listed below. Simply find the territory that you’re from and click through. You will then be presented with a number of brokers that are tested and approved for you. The rest is as easy as three simple steps: Choose a Broker, Sign up, and Trade.
US Recommended Brokers.
The National Futures Association (NFA) and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) regulate all online trading activity in the US, including the Binary Options market. It isn’t illegal for any Binary Options broker to accept US traders, but any disputes between traders and brokers do tend to lead to substantial prosecutions upon the broker.
In some cases, this has meant hefty penalties and fines. These restrictions have led to two distinct groups of Binary Options brokers that accept US traders. The first are offshore brokers that tend not to be regulated. The second group are regulated by one of the US regulatory bodies.
The majority of these brokers will provide a faultless trading experience for you, but the only way to be sure of this is to research a broker before trading with them. We’ve made this process easy for you by researching, testing, reviewing and now presenting the best US-friendly brokers to trade with. If you are still looking for binary options brokers have a look at the top 10 update list from here.
UK Recommended Brokers.
UK traders have the best of both worlds. They are allowed to trade with any online broker they want without local restrictions, and their status as a EU member means they are covered by all brokers regulated by the UK’s very own, Financial Conduct Association (FCA) and the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC) .
These are by far the most predominant licenses held by online Binary Options brokers, therefore it is highly likely that UK traders will be able to choose a broker regulated within Europe.
UK traders have the freedom to trade with almost any brokers, therefore both offshore brokers and regulated brokers can seem appealing. We always recommend traders research the best brokers available before investing in them. We understand that this process can be a long and arduous one, therefore we’ve tested and reviewed the very best UK brokers for you. We present these to you here.
Australian Broker Recommendations.
Binary Options trading is incredibly popular with Australian traders, and it seems to be growing in popularity with each month. Binary Options trading is not banned or illegal within Australia, and brokers based in or outside of Australia can offer their services to Australian traders.
The increasing popularity of this form of online trading has however led to the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) offering supervisory services to this sector. There are a number of brokers that offer a fantastic service to Australian traders.
Some are offshore and some have the ASIC licencing and approval. We have tested, reviewed and presented the best brokers here for your convenience. All of these accept Australian traders, and some even offer AUD trading accounts, worth considering due to fluctuations in the exchange rate when funding your account in other currencies.
Canadian Broker Recommendations.
Online trading is allowed in Canada. Each of Canada’s 10 provinces had it’s own regulator for real world trading, but no overall watchdog for online trading compliance, regulation or licensing. The closest they had was the Investment Industry Regulatory Organisation of Canada (IIROC) . That is, until mid-2017, when the Canadian Securities Administrators (CSA) , formed. They now offer online trading companies a harmonised approach to Canadian regulation.
We have tested and approved a number of regulated and unregulated brokers suitable for Canadian traders. Our selected brokers offer suitable banking options, support and other services that you will appreciate as part of your trading experience. Simply click through, read our reviews, select the best broker for you and begin trading today.
Binary Options Brokers for European Traders.
European traders are some of the most fortunate when it comes to the world of online trading and Binary Options. The Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC) was one of the first to recognise and regulate Binary Options brokers.
Their regulatory process included the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID & MiFID 2) , which states that those brokers licensed by CySEC may accept traders from all member states of the European Economic Area.
This allows all CySEC regulated brokers to accept traders from all European countries. CySEC is the predominant regulatory body for Binary Options, therefore European traders have a multitude of regulated choices here. European traders also have no restrictions on trading with offshore brokers. This means that the world’s Binary Options marketplace is an open floor with a multitude of choices for European traders.
As always, we recommend that you research all brokers before trading with them. As researching, testing and reviewing brokers is our speciality, we have done the hard work for you. Simply click through for a selection of Binary Options brokers that are highly recommended for you.
Top 5 Forex Brokers.
Top 5 corretores binários.
Best Binary Robots.
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Forex brokers offering binary options trading.
Binary options have always been a preferred method of trading financial markets because of its simplicity. In 2018, half of traffic from Forex brokers was diverted to binary options brokers for this reason. Forex brokers are now opting to adopt the trading system to keep clients interested. Some of the main Forex brokers offering binary options trading include:
Vantage FX.
This is a renowned Forex broker based in Australia and registered to the Australian Securities and Investment Commission (ASIC). The brokerage was founded in 2009 primarily as a Forex broker, but in 2018 they introduced binary options trading too. Both Forex and binary options markets can be accessed through MetaTrader 4 (MT4) and traders can use just one platform. This means that you won’t have to install a separate platform for Forex and another for binary options. Plus, you can use the same capital to participate in both markets simultaneously. The introduction of binary options signalled the growing of the company, and they later introduced commodities and indies trading so that traders could diversify their portfolios.
Why choose Vantage FX?
First, you would like your capital to be safe, and financial regulations in Australia are among the most effective in the world, so you can believe your investment is safe with this FX broker offering binary options. To further ensure security of funds, the company doesn’t keep its clients’ funds, but instead transfers them to National Australia Bank (NAB). According to Moody’s rating, the bank has an Aa2 negative senior unsecured debt rating. This means that the bank is significant and strong enough that the government will provide support to it in case of financial crisis. Such a rating should further enhance your trust in this FX broker offering binary options trading.
Vantage FX is also known for allowing Forex traders to participate in the Forex markets with minimal capital. This quality has also been transferred to their binary options department, where it is possible to open an account with as little as $100. Furthermore, you can place trades as small as $10 which helps to minimize losses on your account. As for the returns, binary option trades can have returns as high as 85% which is higher than most other binary options brokers. So, not only can you trade at lower risks, the returns can be substantial, and this edge is what every trader craves.
The ability to trade binary options through MT4 is a huge advantage since most binary options brokers only have an online web platform. MT4, on the other hand, has plenty of features that enhance market analysis and improve a trader’s chances. Furthermore, Vantage FX has made their electronic communications (ECN) networks ultra-fast so that trades are executed instantly, avoiding slippage even in volatile periods. Besides, having an ECN broker will ensure they have no gain in your losses, reducing any chances of market manipulation.
Instead of just acting as a broker Nadex is actually an exchange for trading Forex, binary options, commodities and stock indices. Nadex is the American branch of the bigger IG Group based in London. IG group also offers financial services and it is listed on the London Stock Exchange (LSE); plus, it is part of the FTSE 250 index. This index calculates the aggregate of 250 publicly traded companies, and being part of the aggregate shows that you are a highly regarded company. Nadex has taken IG group’s legacy and transferred it to the US, where it is registered with the US Commodities Futures Trading Commission (CFTC). The exchange itself is based in Chicago, and clients’ accounts are segregated with major US banks to ensure safety of funds.
The first advantage of Nadex lies in its structure, being an exchange. Binary options are decentralized, just like the Forex market, but an exchange is centralized, which means all trades can be monitored from a single point. In this case, the CFTC can ensure Nadex retains high integrity. The centralized nature of Nadex traded binary options reduces the risk of market manipulation and other fraudulent practices performed by brokers. Also, being an exchange, Nadex itself does not participate in the trades, instead, it connects traders to market makers and other traders. Again, this ensures integrity is kept and reduces any chances of the clients being taken advantage of.
Just like Vantage FX, Nadex also offers access to various markets from the same account. This allows the trader to access the Forex, commodities, indices and even bitcoin markets from the same account and the same balance simultaneously. However, unlike Vantage FX, Nadex have their own proprietary trading software – Nadex Trading Platform. This ha d to be so because Nadex is an exchange, but it can create a hurdle as a trader tries to learn the new trading environment. Nevertheless, it is a powerful trading platform that you may find to have even more advantages than the traditional MT4 platform.
Other opportunities at Nadex.
Being an exchange, Nadex requires market makers. The role of the market maker is to ensure market volatility remains high by trading above a minimum amount a day. In addition, they should take the opposite side of the trade to ensure every order is filled. Basically, whenever a trader buys, the market maker has to sell. Market makers can be found in every exchange including the New York Stock Exchange. It requires a company with huge capital, but the returns are also substantial. Nadex is currently inviting potential market makers to partner with, and this is an added opportunity provided by Nadex.
ETX Capital.
Based in the UK, it is regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) which is another renowned financial regulator. However, the FCA does not oversee binary options trading, which leaves the clients in the hands of the broker. You should not be worried about it, though, because ETX capital is a trustworthy capital with a long history and positive reputation.
Features of ETX capital.
The company has a dedicated binary options trading platform, ETX binary, which is strictly used for binary options trading. This implies that clients who would like to invest in more than just binary options must install the various platforms and deposit money separately. For traders with limited capital, it means dividing your capital into various trading platforms, but the specialization can also be an advantage.
The ETX binary platform allows binary trades as short as 60 seconds from the strike time. Even with limited capital, this combined with minimal required stakes can ensure a scalper takes hundreds of trades a day making a lot from only a little deposit. Furthermore, ETX binary has specialized analytical tools not available in MT4 that can give the trader an edge over others.
From the ETX binary platform, you can participate in stock, forex, commodity and indices markets and diversify your portfolio while hedging and minimizing risk.
CMC markets.
This is another London-based company, but one with a longer lifetime. It was formed in 1989 mainly to deal with Forex markets and it was among the first ever companies to implement online trading. In fact, CMC markets claims to have been the first company to complete a Forex trade through the internet. It was registered by the Financial Services Authority, FSA, which is capable of overseeing binary options trading unlike the FCA. Binary options were first introduced by CMC in 2018, and the company was listed on the LSE in 2018 with a market capitalization of 691 million pounds.
Features of a CMC binary options account.
A binary options account with CMC does not allow you to simultaneously trade other markets. You will still be able to trade indices, commodities and forex markets using binary options, although not directly. Another setback is the lack of a downloadable trading platform, and you can only use an online platform. This may not be completely negative, but a dedicated desktop application would have been a lot better. For fast-pace traders, you will also be discouraged to realize that trades have a minimum expiration of 5 minutes, which may not be good news to scalpers. On the other hand, such a trusted company provides the security of knowing your funds are safe, even though the conditions may be a bit archaic.
HotForex’s OptionTrade.
HotForex is the brand name for HF Markets, which is registered by the Cypress Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC). It is an established and well-known Forex broker, and to engage in binary options trading, they launched OptionTrade as a subsidiary. This subsidiary is also overseen by the CySEC, but the main business including trades, transactions and funds are handled by HotForex.
Features of OptionTrade.
Advantages of binary options trading with HotForex include a wide variety of assets to choose from, totalling 200 products from 20 markets including Forex, commodities, etc. They also have short-term expiration of 60-seconds and cross-pair options where you can compare two products against each other. This kind of innovation with revolutionary products made Hotforex a favourite among Forex traders and it also will with binary options traders.
Binary options disclaimer.
Despite their growing popularity, binary options can be risky and various financial regulators including the CFTC in the US have warned investors against it. I would advise anyone interested in binary options to be very careful as they are still a new financial instrument with plenty of risks.
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Binary Options forex brokers

Hedging to some may be complex and the traditional instruments are difficult to access, if not altogether beyond their reach. That’s why when the US Securities and Exchange Commission approved binary options in 2008, retail traders jumped in for the chance to engage in hedging that is at once simple and accessible to the small player.
In a nutshell, binaries are a financial instrument where traders wage an all-or-nothing return. The internet makes trading even more accessible to the random person, where exchanges are managed by binary options brokers. Unbounded by geography, binary options give the average trader access to global markets. This stew of simplicity, easy access to a large pool of instruments, not the least the lure of quick bucks, makes binary options popular in the US and elsewhere. But you, the trader, should understand the risks, rewards and issues with binary options.
In this article, we’ll walk you through the top binary options brokers. Specifically, we’ll compare the following features of each broker:
Minimum deposit Maximum returns Bonuses, if any Supported trading platform.
Knowing where to hedge your funds is the first step to maximizing returns or, at the least, minimizing losses. It may also pay to know some basics of the trade. For instance, Nadex, a U. S.-based regulated exchange for binary options, identified the top four traded forex pairs as:
The list indicates, more or less, where binary options are most popular. Incidentally, Nadex also pinned down the most popular time and day for binary options trading:
Source: Nadex infographic.
A Word of caution.
As with many internet financial transactions, binary options are prone to fraud, so play it cautiously. Many brokers are not regulated by the government (a good or bad thing, depending on your perspective); you’re left with the good graces of your choice.
A common red flag is a trading platform that overstates the average return or, worse, it manipulates price points to cause customers to lose their wager (every time customers lose, brokers win). A simple online sleuthing by reading user reviews and forums about the broker should steer you clear of fraudsters.
The challenge is to focus on legitimate brokers. For instance, the Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE) lists reliable binary options for US traders and runs the CBOE Volatility Index Binaries to track options movement. CBOE is SEC-regulated, which adds layers of investor protection.
Meanwhile, the nonprofit Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) is a good resource for fraud alerts. For instance, just last March it released a warning that scammers are using these follow-up schemes targeting binary options customers.
To help you, we provide the lowdown on the top 15 popular binary options brokers of 2017 that you can consider for trading. Hopefully the list will let you find the best broker for your investment needs and expectations and start successfully trading on your own.
1. IQ Option.
IQ Option was established in 2018 and it has favorable reviews on the internet. It uses in-house software for trading. Maximum returns are 91%. However, traders in the USA, Australia, Canada, Russia, Belgium, Japan, Turkey, Israel, Iran, Sudan, and Syria are not accepted. IQOption Europe Ltd. is well-known for reliable broker services, as it is regulated by the CySEC.
IQ Option offers a free demo account to help you get started. Minimum deposit is just $10 for the Real Account. For the premium VIP account, the minimum deposit is $3,000. Customer support is currently offered via email, phone, and live chat. Finally, this broker offers multiple convenient deposit and withdrawal methods to help you trade easily. For more details on this service read our binary options brokers review for this particular broker.
Minimum deposit: $10 Maximum returns: 91% Supported trading platform: proprietary web, Android, iPhone.
2. Binary.
UK-based Binary is a licensed broker regulated in the British Isles, Malta, Ireland and the UK. However, US traders are not accepted. It is one of the more transparent companies in the industry that declares its owning company and market operations. Formerly the BetonMarkets, Binary blends gambling and trading but with transparency. It offers CFDs, FX margin and crypto trading via MT5.
You can start the trading time aside from the expiry date and the investment amount is based on the payout you set. The minimum deposit is $10 and for e-wallets it’s even lower, $5.
The bonuses are not standard; rather, consist of two types. The Deposit Bonus and Free Bonus. Likewise, the percentages are not specified, but you are required as much as 25 turnovers to avail yourself of a withdrawal. There’s also a 1.5% payout commission.
The broker supports various trading platforms, such as, Binary Webtrader, Binary Bot and Binary Next-Gen. Furthermore, it can personalize client trading needs all under one roof.
Th e platform is intuitive to the first-time trader and robust for the veteran. It features a lot of visual tools like charts and technical indicators and the tutorials on binary options are comprehensive. Likewise, it supports 12 languages and provides a virtual money account. Mobile apps are available.
Minimum deposit: $5 Maximum returns: 1,000% Bonuses: not specified Supported trading platform: proprietary web, Android and iPhone.
HighLow is based in Australia and is a regulated broker. It uses the MarketsPulse trading platform. Maximum returns are up to 90%. However, this broker does not allow US-based traders. Convenient demo account and mobile app are offered.
The minimum deposit amount and the minimum investment amount are both $10. If you like fast expiration times, HighLow is the ideal broker for you as it offers, 60 second, 90 second and 5 minute expiration times. Customer support is offered via phone and email in English and Japanese. The broker’s website is informative with a detailed FAQ section. You can go for HighLow as it has favorable online reviews.
Minimum deposit: $10 Maximum returns: 90% Bonuses: $50 upon sign-up Supported trading platform: MarketsPulse web, Android and iPhone.
4. Marketsworld.
Marketsworld is a regulated broker based in Great Britain licensed by The Isle of Mann GSC, a gambling regulatory agency in GB. It’s one of the few foreign regulated brokers where US traders are accepted. It trades in commodities and indices, but focuses more on forex and trading is fixed on a high/low digital basis.
The minimum deposit is $10 with the minimum trade size of $1. Bonuses are restricted to trading for up to 100% and don’t tie up your deposits. In fact, you can withdraw your money anytime without affecting your bonus as long as you keep to the required trading volume. Returns, meanwhile, range from 80% to 90% and withdrawals take around three days.
The trading platform is proprietary and supports English, Russian, German, Spanish and Italian and four more languages. The trading charts can be difficult for some because of their small size and delays are known to happen. Support via live chat, email and phone are available. An iOS app is also available.
Minimum deposit: $10 Maximum returns: 90% Bonuses: up to $1,000 start-up bonus; up to 100% on trade Supported trading platform: proprietary web, iPhone.
Tel Aviv, Israel-based eToro is a social trading network and not a broker. It allows you to copy the leading traders in its community and, hopefully, realize the same margins. Conversely, your trading can be copied, which earns you additional income.
In this platform you invest in people, not currencies. You will have to be intuitive about other traders’ behavior and analyze their patterns or strategies, instead of learning financial charts and indicators.
No worries, eToro provides more than 16 lectures and video courses on how to hone your skills. These include identifying consistent traders, not just one-shot deals. You also get a list of the best traders on currencies, indices and commodities across a wide range of underlying assets.
On the B side, you can share your trading insights and enrol in the Popular Investor Program as a trade authority.
Minimum deposit is $200, while maximum returns varies. The network uses its in-house trading platform with Android and iPhone apps.
Minimum deposit: $200 Maximum returns: varies Bonuses: not specified Supported trading platform: proprietary, web, Android and iPhone.
6. 24Option.
24Option has been online since 2018 and is a stable and reliable broker as it is regulated by the CySEC. It uses the third-party TechFinancials trading platform. Maximum returns are up to 88%. This broker does not accept traders from the US and Australia.
The minimum deposit amount is $250 and the minimum investment amount is $24. Trade types offered are high/low, one touch and no touch, boundary, and 60 seconds. A demo account is offered for new traders. You can enroll in Standard, Gold, or Platinum account depending on the amount you deposit and the features you want. 24Option provides customer support via phone, live chat, and email in English and thirteen other languages.
Minimum deposit: $250 Maximum returns: 88% Bonuses: up to 100% Supported trading platform: TechFinancials web, Android and iPhone.
7. ETX Capital.
ETX Capital is headquartered in London, UK and regulated by the British Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). It trades in forex, equities, indices and commodities, but note that binary options are unregulated by the FCA. Likewise, US traders are not accepted as of this writing.
The broker takes pains in educating newbie traders, explaining in details binary options, risk trading and other key topics.
The minimum deposit is $100 with returns between 75% to 85%. Bonuses are not specified but are available. A call to their support should specify a personalized bonus based on your investment. Likewise, withdrawals above $100 are free of charge.
The broker uses MarketPulse for platform. It is clean and intuitive to beginners with the expiry times easy to locate. However, it only supports English.
Minimum deposit: $100 Maximum returns: 85% Bonuses: varies, personalized Supported trading platform: MarketPulse, web, Android and iPhone.
8. 365Trading.
365Trading is registered with the CySEC and based in that country. It was founded in 2018 and has since traded in EU without issues. It primarily trades in binary options. As of this writing, US traders are not accepted.
Minimum deposit is at $100 with profits and bonuses reaching 85% and 100%, respectively. You can open a demo without deposit and try their long - and short-term expiries.
The platform, an in-house system, is robust and ideal for veteran traders. It features charts, lines and candlesticks and provides historical analysis. The platform allows you to set up three assets with quick access shortcuts. Likewise, you can trade four assets simultaneously featuring a main window and three sub-windows.
Support is available via email and phone.
Minimum deposit: $100 Maximum returns: 85% Bonuses: up to 100% Supported trading platform: proprietary, web, Android and iPhone.
Ayrex is based in the UK and has a pending application with CySEC. It trades in 70 assets and is focused on binary options. As of today, US traders are not accepted.
Minimum deposit is at $5, one of the lowest, while bonus is up to 30% and returns range between 75% to 90%.
The broker uses a proprietary trading featuring instant withdrawals, which is unique in the niche. The interface is neat and lets you quickly jump to different trades. It’s ideal for short-term trading. High/Low options are also available.
Support include 24/7 live chat and via email. Likewise, the system is accessible from Android and iPhone apps.
Minimum deposit: $5 Maximum returns: 90% Bonuses: $30 no-deposit new account, up to 30% on trade Supported trading platform: proprietary, web, Android and iPhone.
10. CMC Markets.
UK-based CMC Markets has been in a forex broker since 1989 but only went into binary options in 2018. Still, that’s a long history of trust and reliable operations compared to most binary options brokers. On top of it, it is regulated in the UK. Today, it trades in indices, commodities, shares, treasuries and forex, but US clients are not yet accepted.
There is no minimum deposit and there are no bonuses, too. Returns also varies depending on the product.
Meantime, the platform is customizable and includes charting tools, pattern recognition functionality, various screen layouts and multiple timeframes. The system is accessible from Android and iOS devices. Support is UK-based and consists of live chat, email, phone and fax.
Minimum deposit: no minimum deposit Maximum returns: varies Bonuses: none Supported trading platform: proprietary web, Android and iPhone.
11. OptionFair.
OptionFair is founded in 2018 and based in Cyprus. It is regulated by the CySEC and is also listed on the London Stock Exchange, a first among binary options brokers. US traders are not accepted. The broker trades in forex, CFDs and binary options on 118 underlying assets.
The minimum deposit is $100 with returns up to 100%. However, there are no indicated bonuses, but you can always contact support for possible terms. Expiry time is shorter than average, but makes for quick returns over short-term trading.
The broker uses its own platform that allows you to shift trading from forex to binary and to CFDs from a single interface. It gives you access to myriad assets and instruments and a wide range of expiries. You can, in fact, trade simultaneously forex and binaries. Mobile apps for Android and iPhone are available.
There is phone support in five international numbers including English, Spanish, Italian and French. Email and live chat support are likewise provided.
Minimum deposit: $100 Maximum returns: 100% Bonuses: none Supported trading platform: proprietary, web, Android and iPhone.
12. BinaryTilt.
BinaryTilt is an unregulated broker with headquarters in London, England but is wholly owned by Cyprus-based Depix Holdings. Although it isn’t overseen, the broker seems to have a clean record with rare warnings from authorities. US traders are not accepted. It trades in stocks, indices, forex and commodities across 150 underlying assets.
Minimum deposit is $250 with profits of up to 85%. Likewise, bonuses can reach 100%. Trading styles include high/low, one touch, range and on demand. The stocks are also mainly US or EU-based companies.
The trading platform is SpotOption, a standard but increasingly old school compared to newer platforms today. The UI is familiar and the elements are organized, good enough for first-timers to kickstart their trading without a hassle. Support is via chat, while Android and iPhone apps are available.
Minimum deposit: $250 Maximum returns: 85% Bonuses: up to 100% Supported trading platform: SpotOption, web, Android and iPhone.
13. EmpireOption.
Founded in 2018, Uruguay-based EmpireOption with a registered address in London, England. As with most brokers, US traders are not accepted. The broker trades in forex and CFDs with a diverse underlying investment portfolio.
Minimum investment is $100 and expect u to 82% maximum returns. Likewise, bonuses can reach 100% but terms apply.
The trading platform is SpotOption but minus the SpotOption payment network. EmpireOption also uses its own branding interface and maintains control of most of the trading aspects.
Phone and email support are available.
Minimum deposit: $100 Maximum returns: 82% Bonuses: up to 100% Supported trading platform: SpotOption, web, Android and iPhone.
14. Binarymate.
Binarymate is a UK-registered broker that is reliable as it follows the strict financial regulations of the UK. It accepts US traders. This broker uses a unique in-house platform for trading. You can earn a maximum return of 90%. Trading accounts start with the basic Bronze package for which the minimum deposit is $250 and you get a 20% welcome bonus. For Silver account, the minimum deposit is $1,000 and you get a 50% welcome bonus. Finally, for the premium Gold account the minimum deposit is $3,000 and you can choose between risk-free trades or a bonus of $250.
A unique customer support feature offered by Binarymate is live video chat with agents who are available 24/7. Support is offered in English, French, Spanish, and Russian. Last but not the least, you can use the demo account to learn the ropes or to improve your skills. Before you decide on a broker though it’s always best to do a binary options brokers comparison first to make sure you pick the best service.
Minimum deposit: $250 Maximum returns: 90% Bonuses: up to $250, risk-free trades Supported trading platform: proprietary web, Android and iPhone.
15. BDSwiss.
BDSwiss is a regulated broker in Cyprus with headquarters also in that country. Likewise, it is registered with the U. S. National Futures Association (unregulated), but as of now, US traders are not accepted. The broker trades in forex, indices, shares, commodities and CFD-based cryptocurrencies on over 250 underlying assets.
Minimum deposit is $200 but there’s no bonus, while traders can realize returns from 65% to 85%. Refunds are not available also. Likewise, you are charged $25 per wire transfer and fees apply for withdrawals below $100.
For platform, BDSwiss uses SpotOption that is familiar to many traders. It uses advanced charting tools and indicators to help you determine price movement. There is multilingual support via phone, email and live chat. Mobile apps for Android and iOS devices are available.
Minimum deposit: $200 Maximum returns: 85% Bonuses: none Supported trading platform: SpotOption, web, Android and iPhone.
Your product is not on the list?
If you are a binary options provider and you didn’t find your product on our 2017 list above feel free to let us know about your service. We may consider including it on the 2018 list. You can easily let us know about your product here.
Posts Relacionados.
Thanks for your informative post on the top binary options brokers in the business. It gives the essential details about all the brokers in a nutshell and has helped me to form a shortlist from which I can select suitable ones for my trading needs. For me, binary investing offers many attractions. First, I find it is easier to learn and use compared to stock and forex trading. Second, many brokers offer lucrative payout rates which means I can make good money while having fun at the same time. In addition, there is no need to be a financial expert to be good at binary investing. I simply follow the latest market news and trends about the assets I select and this helps me make informed predictions. Plus, the trading is flexible and allows me to control my losses and retire if I have a bad day. By the way, can you offer a few tips on which features offered by top brokers are the crucial ones?
Hello Don. It is nice to learn that my article has proved useful to you. I agree with you that binary investing is a fun and exciting way to make good money. As for useful features, here is a list you can utilize for reference. Make sure the brokers you select offer these tools:
– First, the broker should make it easy for you to sign up and get started in a few minutes.
– They should offer a range of convenient deposit and withdrawal options that you can use from your country.
– The trading platform should be accessible on mobile devices to enable you to trade on the go.
– A wide range of trading assets and trade types should be available so that you can keep changing your choices to keep the excitement fresh.
– In addition, the payout rate should be high so that you stand a good chance of winning big amounts.
Hope it helps. Good luck!
I have thoroughly evaluated the pros and cons of binary trading and for me the pros outweigh the cons, that is why I am interested in this form of trading.
The pros, in my opinion, are as follows: Top brokers keep introducing new innovations and features which keep the game exciting. Plus, I can access the online trading platforms from anywhere, anytime, and trade whenever I like. In addition, many governments have begun to regulate this industry which gives me peace of mind and confidence that my money will be safe. With social trading, I can share my experiences with like-minded investors and gain knowledge and expertise. In addition, binary investing is superior to gambling as I can make educated predictions with a little research.
As for the cons, there is the risk of shady operators but you can easily tackle this challenge by doing your homework on the broker before you put in your money. In my opinion, binary investing is much better than trading in stocks or forex or gambling.
Do you have any advice on how to trade more safely and how to select a reliable and trustworthy broker?
Hi Mike, thanks for sharing your ideas on the pros and cons of binary investing. As for your question, there are a few key factors to consider to select a suitable broker with a honest reputation. First, check if their trading platform is compatible with your computer and whether all the links work. Then, see what training resources they offer. Ideally, they should provide video tutorials, articles on strategies and techniques, as well as one-on-one counseling. However, you many need to sign up for a premium plan to get personalized assistance. Another important factor is the terms and conditions for withdrawal of winnings and bonuses. If the withdrawal limit is high you might have to keep trading to reach that amount which means you might not be able to control your losses and stop if you wish to. Finally, check out their customer support channels to see if you get fast and friendly service round the clock. Good luck and happy hunting!
Thanks for your useful tips on how to select a good broker to do business with. They are sure to benefit all potential traders out there. You can get reliable information on brokers in the binary options and other industries here. BrokerCheck gives you an overview of a broker’s licensing info, employment history, and regulatory actions as well as complaints against them. The best part is it is a free tool. The website is operated by FINRA which is authorized by the US Congress to protect the interests and money of investors. The site instantly tells you whether a broker is registered to provide trading services to investors. In short, it can help you select honest and transparent brokers, and avoid fraudulent fly-by-night operators whose plan is to swindle traders’ money.
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Binary options brokers.
If there is a point where the gambling and forex worlds intersect, this would definitely be binary options.
In their essence, binary options are nothing but bets on currency or stock price movement direction: when trading binary options, traders are basically predicting whether the price would go up or down - as simple as that.
If the prediction is correct, trader get paid certain amount of money, known as payout or return . The average return for EUR/USD, for example, ranges between 75% and 85% of the bet, depending on the broker. Here is an example: if you bet $100 and you win, you get paid $185 (your $100 + return of $85)
There a few different types of binary options offered on the market. The most popular type is most often called High/Low or Put/Call. With these options, traders need to bet on whether the price of a certain instrument would go upwards of downwards within a pre-determined time frame. Once that time frame is over, the option is deemed expired and the bet is settled.
Another popular option type is One Touch . With these options, there is a pre-defined price level, and the price must touch that level for the trader to win. Again, a certain time frame is set for the expiration of the option; if the price of the asset reaches the pre-defined level, the bet is closed immediately and the traders collect their winnings. If the level is not reached at expiry, the bet is lost. These binary options are generally harder to win, therefore the return percentage for them is significantly higher - usually about 500%.
60 Second binary options are regular High/Low options with expiry period of 60 seconds. Many traders tend to like these options because they can get you a quick payday if you manage to notice a short-term market trend.
One thing that is still a grey area when it comes to trading binary options is regulation. As I mentioned, this is a mix between trading and gambling, therefore in many countries binary options providers are not obliged to register with regulators. Some binary brokers choose to register with gambling authorities; others – with financial regulators; and then there’s the ones that don’t report to anyone.
The good news is that the increasing popularity of binary options trading has put it in the spotlight and binary option legislation implementation is already being considered. The Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC) was the first regulator that proclaimed binary options to be an investment instrument and added it to the scope of services it oversees. The Financial Services Authority in Japan is the next regulatory body taking steps in that direction.
Binary options brokers.
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Binary Brokers Reviews and Platforms List.
We have compared the best regulated binary options brokers and platforms 2018 and created this top list. Every broker and platform has been personally reviewed by us to help you find the best binary options platform for both beginners and experts. The sortable comparison list below shows which trading sites came out on top based on different criteria.
You can sort the list using payout, minimum deposit, bonus offers or if the operator is regulated or not. You can also read full reviews of each broker, helping you make the best choice. Below the comparison list is some advice on how to pick the best trading platform for you, as this will often come down to your personal requirements and needs.
Top Brokers.
How to Compare Brokers and Platforms.
In order to trade binary options, you need to engage the services of a binary options broker. Here at binaryoptions we have provided a list with all the best comparison factors that will help you select which trading broker to open an account with. We have also looked at our most frequently asked questions, and have noted that these are important factors when traders are comparing different brokers:
What is the Minimum Deposit? Are they regulated and with what regulator? Where can I open a Demo Account? Is there a signals service, and is it free? Can I trade on my mobile phone and is there an app? Is there a Bonus available for new trader accounts? What are the Terms and.
conditions ? Who has the best binary trading platform? Which broker has the best asset lists? Which broker has the largest range of expiry times (30, 60 second, end of day, long term? How much is the minimum trade? What types of options are available? (Touch, Ladder, Boundary, Pairs etc) Additional Tools – Like Early closure, or Metatrader 4 (Mt4) plugin or integration.
We cover as many of these comparison factors as possible in our list above, but we go into much more depth within each review.
Regulated Binary Brokers.
Regulation is a key factor when judging the best broker. Unregulated brokers are not always scams, or untrustworthy, but it does mean a trader must do more ‘due diligence’ before trading with them.
Leading regulatory bodies include:
CySec – The Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (Cyprus and the EU) FCA – Financial Conduct Authority (UK) CFTC – Commodity Futures Trading Commission (US) FSB – Financial Services Board (South Africa)
There are other regulators in addition to the above, and in some cases, brokers will be regulated by more than one organisation. This is becoming more common in Europe where binary options are coming under increased scrutiny. Reputable, premier brands will have regulation of some sort.
Regulation is there to protect traders, to ensure their money is correctly held and to give them a path to take in the event of a dispute. It should therefore be an important consideration when choosing a trading partner.
Both sign up bonuses and demo accounts are used to attract new clients. Bonuses are often a deposit match, a one-off payment or risk free trade . Whatever the form of bonus, there are terms and conditions that need to be read.
It is worth taking the time to understand those terms before signing up. If the terms are not to your liking then the bonus loses any attraction and that broker may not be the best choice. Some bonus terms tie in your initial deposit too. It is worth reading T&Cs before agreeing to any bonus, and worth noting that many brokers will give you the option to ‘opt out’ of taking a bonus.
Using a bonus effectively is harder than it sounds. If considering taking up one of these offers, think about whether, and how, it might affect your trading. One common issue is that turnover requirements within the terms, often cause traders to ‘over trade’. If the bonus does not suit you, turn it down.
Demo Accounts.
Binary options demo accounts are the best way to try both binary options trading, and specific brokers, without needing to risk any money. You can get demo accounts at more than one broker, try them out and only deposit real money at the one you find best. It is also possible that it is useful to have accounts at more than broker. For example, payouts for two different assets might be best at different brokers. You can shop around, and use whichever account has the best payout for that asset. Demo accounts offer the best way to try out a brand, risk free.
Low Minimum Deposits.
If you are looking to get involved with binary options for the first time, low minimum deposit requirements may be of interest. For traders just looking to try binary options, a low minimum deposit broker might be best. A small initial deposit keeps risks low. Minimum deposits start at just $5 and there are a growing number of brokers offering low minimum deposits – “low” would be any minimum under $50.
Likewise, all brokers will have a minimum trade requirement too. These can vary greatly. Minimum trade figures range from $1 to $25 – which is a large difference if a trader plans to trade frequently. For some traders, this might be less of a factor in terms of finding the best broker for them, but for others it will be very important. Practice accounts are a zero risk way of learning to trade.
One element many traders use to find the best binary options trading account, is the payout percentage on offer. This is not always a simple comparison however. Payouts will change based on the asset being traded, and the expiry time of the option. In addition, payouts will change as the broker manages their own risk. So if one broker was originally the best price, things may then revert and mean that another now has the top payout.
So the most an investor can do, is to check the payouts for assets, and expiry times they are most likely to make, and judge which brand offers the best terms most often. Demo accounts are good when researching payouts on specific assets and trades.
Exchange traded and over the counter brokers will have different payouts – and they will not be easy to compare. In general, exchange traded options offer superior value. Nadex are one example of an exchange.
So as you can see, finding the best trading account and broker is not always easy – but it is worth noting that you are free to move between brokers whenever you like. So even if an account turns out to be poor, it is easy to up sticks and find a new trading firm. Likewise, a trader could have multiple accounts, and open trades at the broker with the best terms for that particular trade.
Which is the Best Binary Trading Platform?
Naming the best trading platform is not easy, simply because trading platforms are normally a question of personal taste. One user might like a simple layout, while others might need a lot of data on screen all the time.
However, platforms do have different levels of quality, both in terms of ease of use, and features. Broadly speaking, brands which offer Contracts for Difference in addition to binary options, deliver a more feature-rich trading platform.
So the likes of Nadex and ETX Capital, will deliver a very professional trading platform. MetaTrader integration is also normally provided at the more professional brokers (Some use both mt4 and mt5 functionality) . This difference in quality is evidence of the maturity of binary options as a product, but binary brands will catch up very quickly.
How do Brokers Make Money?
Binary options brokers make money via one of two business models:
As a counter-party, ensuring an ‘over round’ via payout percentages. Known as ‘Over the counter’ (OTC) Via a spread or commission on an exchange traded model.
People who have experience of other forms of trading, and are now approaching over-the-counter (OTC) brokers for the first time may find themselves asking the question: “ Where is the commission? ”.
With OTC binaries however, there is no commission. In theory, the term ‘brokers’, is not correct. Binary firms are not arranging a deal or acting as a middleman; What they are, is the counter-party to each of their customers’ positions. So there is no fee or commission for the trade. Instead, each customer is essentially betting against the house. Where brokers have both sides of a trade covered, they have a handsome margin. Where they do not, the payout still gives them a level of protection. In certain circumstances, the broker will also hedge it’s own position to mitigate risk.
Those companies (Nadex, for instance) that trade binary options via an exchange operate much more like a ‘broker’. Unlike the OTC market where the platform is the counter party, with exchange traded options, the broker is the middleman – matching buyers with sellers and charging a commission. There is far less risk involved for the broker, and therefore generally better returns per trade for the trader.
Who Regulates Binary Brokers?
There are a number of regulatory bodies that monitor binary options:
CySec – The Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission MGA – Malta Gaming Authority FCA – Financial Conduct Authority CFTC – Commodity Futures Trading Commission.
In Europe, CySec regulation can be used to ‘passport’ around Europe. So a CySec regulated firm can operate in the UK, Germany or Spain for example. There are however, moves for domestic regulators in each each country to take greater control of their own affairs.
Around the globe, regulation is normally organised within the specific country, so CFTC in the US or the FSB (Financial Service Board) in South Africa for example. This offers consumers the best level of protection.
Regulators are now taking a much harder line on binary options firms that break financial rules or operate dishonest schemes. The landscape will change quickly over the coming months, and the industry will be treated in a similar fashion to other investments.
Should You Use Multiple Brokers?
There are some very good arguments for having more than one binary trading account:
Brokers suit certain trades . Different brokers will suit different trading styles, or trade types. So one broker might be excellent for shorter term trade types, and have great payouts on forex pairs. But that same brand may be slightly less good when it comes to offering boundary trades or indices payouts. If a rival had a full set of long term expiries with great payouts, and lots of choice of boundary trades – it makes sense to have accounts with both, and place trades with the broker that offered the best deal for each trade. Demo accounts . Multiple demo accounts makes perfect sense – you want to try as many brokers and trading platforms as possible before deciding where to trade. Reduce risk . Accounts at more than one broker protects you from any issues with a particular firm. From issues as serious as insolvency, to smaller things, like website downtime or a market being closed – multiple accounts reduces your risk of being affected by any hardship a broker might face. Multiple offers . Each sign up can mean a new bonus, so it might be worthwhile taking up more than one account to receive all the offers. As ever, read the terms – and also note that on occasion, larger deposits might mean larger bonuses – so splitting them may not be the best choice. Spread winnings . Some brokers may look for winning traders on their books, with a view to restricting their trading, perhaps limiting trade size – or worse. While this threat is thankfully small, multiple accounts means spreading the winnings out. Most brokers will search for “winners” based on total profit rather than strike rate, so hiding the volume across broker accounts can help you stay below their radar.
Exchange versus OTC (Over the Counter) Brokers.
Exchange Brokers.
A broker that offers an exchange is much closer to a traditional ‘broker’ than OTC brokers. An exchange performs the job of ‘middleman’. They will match a seller of an asset, with a buyer of the same asset, and charge a commission for putting the deal together. The market itself will decide the prices – if there are more sellers than buyers, the price will drift down until demand rises. If there are more buyers than those willing to sell, the option price will rise.
A broker operating an exchange does not mind who wins and who loses. They take no risk on the trade themselves (unless the traders are trading on credit). The broker will make their commission on the trade regardless of the outcome.
Due to this reduced risk for the broker, the returns for a winning trader are generally larger. Commissions are usually small relative to the size of the trade, meaning they do not impact the payout too much. Other benefits include the fact that stop losses can be applied, and also that trades can be closed at any time (to take a profit or reduce losses).
The complications with exchanges, comes from the structure. An exchange traded binary option will “trade” somewhere between 0 and 100. Where 0 is the figure used where an event did not occur, and 100 where it did. If the current price is currently 30, a ‘buyer’ would risk 30 times his trade size, to potentially win 70. A ‘seller’ therefore, would risk 70 to win 30. While not a complicated equation, it is slightly more complex than the straight forward over the counter option.
OTC (Over The Counter) Brokers.
The most common type is the Over the counter (OTC) broker, but this type of firm is not really a ‘broker’ at all strictly speaking. They are the counter-party to one side of the trade. So where a trader opens a position, the broker will win or lose money, based on whether the trade wins or loses. Only where the broker has another trader who has made the exact opposite trade, will they have assured profits.
Due to this increased risk, the brokers will offer a lower payout which mitigates some of the risk they are taking. It is therefore likely to be lower than an exchange traded broker. Some firms will also have built in ‘hedging’ mechanisms to reduce risk further. In some cases, one side of trade might be made unavailable if liabilities get too large.
The simplicity of binary options is retained with OTC brokers. They have also made great strides in competing with exchanges by offering ‘cash out’ values for options, allowing traders to close positions early, and set up stop losses. Once those features become common the gap between OTC and exchanges will get smaller. For now, traders are better off trading on an exchange – but might be advised to learn the differences via demo account.
Payment Methods.
If you are looking for brokers that support a specific payment method:
All of the factors covered above will ultimately affect the way a trader plays the market, and therefore, their profitability. The ideal situation is to get a binary broker that offers:
Several financial assets spread across several markets Offers a reasonable bonus with a good payout approaching 90% Offers flexible expiration dates without boxing traders into very long expirations.
Trading using a broker’s platform will only be enjoyable, and profitable, if you are using a reputable operator. You also need to choose one that suits your trading style best – only you will know what that is. Read the above binary broker reviews carefully before making that crucial trading decision, but remember you are not tied in to any single broker, and can pick and choose.

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